Monthly Archives: March 2021

What We Learned…post March 2020

Handshakes are bad.

Hugs are worse.

Masks are good. (except by Mask-Deniers.)

“Pretty mask!” is a compliment.

PPE is essential..and there is not enough of it.

Those marks on the floor mean to stand 6 feet apart.

Hunkering down means stay at home. 

Zoom is a verb, a noun, and a pronoun. 

“You are muted” is said frequently, with a sigh.

Covid brain fog, pandemic hair, Blursday enter the language. 

High school graduations are drive by. 

College freshmen launch in their bedrooms at home.

Grocery packages are washed, and mail is quarantined.

Large weddings and funerals are dangerous. So is choir.

Dog rescue groups have empty shelters.

King Arthur Flour almost doubles its sales.

Plant seed sales hit record highs. 

Vaccines are greeted with tears of joy.